Here are some regulations you should be aware of:

If you have dogs:

There is a limit on the number of dogs you can have depending on the size of your property.

  • No more than 2 dogs over 6 months old in a “dwelling unit” (aka, apartment)
  • No more than 6 dogs over 6 months old on an “agricultural property” (aka, farm)
  • No more than 4 dogs over 6 months old on any other kind of premises

*You need a permit if you exceed the limit, though this stipulation usually only applies to pet businesses.

Dogs must be kept on a leash when in public.

If you own a dog, you must make sure it is not a public nuisance (excessive barking or howling) or has any form of an untreatable communicable disease.

You cannot take your dog out in public if it is known to be “wild” or “ferocious,” likes to chase people or is an unsterilized female in heat.

If your pet causes injury to another person, you may be fined or imprisoned.

You must clean up after your dog.

No person can harass, provoke or harm a dog in any way.

If you have cats:

As with dogs, there are similar restrictions on the number of cats you can own:

  • No more than 2 cats over 6 months old in a “dwelling unit” (aka, apartment)
  • No more than 6 cats over 6 months old on an “agricultural property” (aka, farm)
  • No more than 4 cats over 6 months old on any other kind of premises

The Johannesburg city council reserves the right to neuter stray cats and dogs.


Johannesburg Archive:
Animal Law Info Georgetown University: